As 2015 ramps up we are all getting back and becoming engaged with our school work, jobs and network! Those of you that are new students Welcome! and to those of you that are just coming out of holiday hibernation Welcome Back!Before your schedule runs away with itself here are 5 things that you should consider.
1. Look at your calendar and set time aside in your schedule for your career. Yes, I know you are busy but the success rate of those who participate in a job search process while attending courses is so much higher than those who wait until they have completed their courses to begin looking for work. For those of you needing the practical experience component for your CPA designation – even more important for you!
2. Enrol in the Sauder Career Cycle Workshop Series posted on COOL. This series begins January 22 and will have seven one hour sessions to deal with the entire career cycle adapted ; ) to DAP students (couldn’t resist) with additional advanced concepts. These only take place in the Winter/Spring and are very helpful. Participating will save you much time trying to accomplish things on your own and will help you build needed momentum.
3. “Shake the Trees” – This is in reference to networking. Now is the time to renew networking contacts, connect with people from the past, update your reference list and expand (or begin) your network! Message your LinkedIn connections and initiate a conversation, let them know what you are doing and engage as people as possible. There may even be some low hanging fruit awaiting your eager attention.
4. Don’t just sit there – do something! Step away from your computer, put down the latte and get out of the house. Begin attending events and start to learn about and enjoy the labour market around you. Watch the DAP Facebook page, COOL, the DAP Blog, and other resources to see what is going on around you and get up to speed and “merge”!
5. Book an online meeting with your Career Coach! – Whether it be for career focus, resume and other document review, creating a networking strategy, setting career goals, making a job search action plan, interview preparation or getting an application reviewed. All of these things and more are available through your DAP Career Coach (me).
Good luck! I look forward to hearing from you!
Russell Garrett
DAP Career Coach