Increasing Your CPA Interview Success

Here are seven things you can do to increase your success for any pending CPA interviews.

I. Pre-emptive Preparation

A. Research

  1. Company – The more you know the company the better results you can have from your preparation. From an interviewer’s perspective, it is quite impressive when a candidate is able to talk with firm reps about their service lines, team and clients.
  2. Interviewer – Knowing about key staff members, firm recruiting reps and your interviewer is a great way to connect on a more significant level and to leave an impression. LinkedIn profiles, articles written about the firm and its people as well as notes taken during networking can all lead to memorable conversations, increased rapport and lasting impressions.

B. Questions

  1. Plan two-three meaningful questions more advanced than those typically used during networking discussions at events and that are not about the interview process, salary amount or what you get from the firm.
  2. Questions about the process can be asked as a final inquiry about next steps, but this is more about you and the firm, its business, its team and the clients. In fact, from the firm’s perspective it is even less about the position, because every candidate wants a position, a paycheque and help to get their CPA.

C. Talking Points

  1. There are times when the content and outcome of the interview will partly depend on you, the topics that you raise and the dialogue that follows. Definitely, don’t leave this to chance. Be prepared to steer the conversation with engaging an meaningful questions.

D. Statement of Interest

  1. When the interviewer lets you know the meeting is over, there are a few things to do as part of your planned closing actions. A significant piece of a good closing is a statement of interest about the company that is genuine, meaningful and one that displays true interest in the company….not the position.

E. Positive Attitude – Nuff said!

II. Knowing The Type of Interview Makes a Huge Difference When Preparing

Aside from knowing what to expect which helps manage those “butterflies”, making specific preparation reduces time and results in a stronger focus, as opposed to figuring it out when you get there. Here are some possibilities….

A. Phone
B. Individual
C. Structured
D. Conversational
E. Panel
F. Group
G. Aptitude testing
H. Task oriented
I. Level – Second, Third….
J. Length – 30 minute or three hours
K. Environment – Lunch, Event, Social
L. Host – HR, Senior Accountant or Partner

Don’t know….Ask!

III. Bring It!

A. Company Research
B. Resume – at least three copies
C. Prepared Questions/Talking Points
D. Education Documents
E. Professional Development
F. Samples of Your Work/Project info
G. List of References (people to contact about you)
H. Letters of Reference/Performance Reviews
I. Professional look!

IV. Preparing for the Various Types of Questions

A. Tell me about yourself…
B. Behavioural
C. Open-ended
D. Problem Solving
E. Your Values
F. Challenging
G. Conversational
H. Case Questions
I. High Pressure

Plan your responses with structure and scripts…but do not memorize your answers! Scripts are simply for gathering thoughts, reviewing content and timing answers. After that…file them for another day!

V. Planning How Your Interview Will End!

Most people are pretty good at planning their answers and even their questions for the interviewer. Unfortunately the interview “closing” is often over looked and candidates just simply walk out of the room and miss out on some added benefits. But you are not going to do that right?!

In order to increase the success of your closing you have to “think”, or in this case THINCC.

H – Shake HANDS
I – Make your statement of INTEREST
N – Mention their NAMES
C – Get business CARDS you don’t already have
C – Ask the next step in the process and if you can make a follow up CALL

This closing will help you get the most out of your interview and even increase your chances of success to get to the next round and/or offer stage.

VI. Follow Up Strategy

By the time you have enrolled in your academic program, decided to participate in CPA recruiting, attended networking events, nurtured your contacts, done your research, prepared your application and prepared for and executed your strong interview presentation…your investment is significant. Follow up can be described as the single greatest action you can make to protect that investment.

Some tips to increase the impact of your follow up:

A. Plan it before you go to the interview
B. Find out what it next during the interview
C. ASAP is always best
D. Make it personal and meaningful
E. Make the effort needed
F. Differentiate yourself without going too far
G. Perform any promised or expected actions

VII. Practice

There really is nothing that can replace practicing when it comes to interview preparation.

When you have had to answer interview questions several times before, especially when questions are varied, practice will help you reply fluidly. As well, you will be able to apply your ideas more effectively, rather than only responding one way with a prepared answer. Nerves are also less distracting when you are comfortable responding to questions after role-playing.

The Interview Stream resource can also be accessed by students as a way to both practice and see first-hand how you respond to various questions under interview-like conditions. You will find a link to this in the Sauder Career Success Cycle – Step 4.

In conclusion, these items will get you thinking and moving the right direction as you prepare. For more detail you can review the interview resources in Step 4 of the Sauder Career Success Cycle which can be located through COOL (document library) and on Connect (Student resources).

Be sure to sign up for the CPA Summer Prep Series – Interview Preparation Workshop September 13, 2016. Here will get more detailed information, advanced concepts, interactive preparation activities as well as a chance to role-play.

Note: If you are planning on meeting a Career Coach for interview practice, be sure to do your preparation ahead of time so that you get the most out of your time with them. Review the resources, go online to see students testimonials of interviewing with firms, look for what the firms are saying as well as any questions posted that firms typically use and be ready to be asked interview questions followed by constructive feedback.

All right – Let’s do this!

Good Luck,


Russell Garrett is the Owner of Protocol Business Solutions, a Certified Career Consultant and the DAP Career Coach. He also collaborates with the Business Career Center to support BCom career initiatives from time to time. Be sure to attend all the CPA Summer Pre Series Workshops which are posted on COOL for registration and on Connect for post-workshop viewing. Russell will be delivering the CPA Interview Preparation Workshop for DAP and BCom students on September 13th. Russell is also available to DAP students for online coaching appointments set up through email outside of the CPA recruiting appointments taking place right now. September 13th the Interview Coaching appointments begin for those going through CPA recruiting which are also posted in COOL. Contact Russell at





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