Office hours with Manning Elliott on June 5th and July 4th have been added to the spring/summer firm office hours schedule. Registration for appointments with Manning Elliott are now available on COOL.
Please be reminded that the following registration policies and procedures for firm office hours are still in effect:
- Students are permitted to sign up for a maximum of 3 office hour appointments, with a maximum of one session per firm (i.e. maximum of 3 appointments total with 3 different firms). Exceeding these maximums will result in your excess appointments being cancelled at the discretion of the DAP office. This is in consideration to all students as there are a limited number of appointments available. In fact, showing up for more than one appointment with the same firm would reflect very poorly on you with that firm, so it would not be to your advantage to do so.
- Once registration opens, you can find the available office hours on COOL (select the Events tab, then the Workshop tab).If you register for an event on COOL you are committed to attending. If you’re unable to attend you must either cancel your registration for the event on COOL or, if it is less than 24 hours before the event, notify the DAP Office by email. Failure to show-up to events for which you are registered is taken very seriously by the DAP Office and the Sauder School of Business. Not only is it a poor reflection on you personally, but it is also a poor reflection on all UBC Sauder students and the School, especially in the eyes of our recruiters. Students who sign-up for events and do not attend without notifying the DAP Office ahead of time will have their access disabled.