If you’re planning to participate in this year’s Fall Recruit, please be reminded that there are resources available online through LinkedIn and Connect to help you through this process. The instructions to access both of these resources are as follows:
- CPA Summer Prep Series Connect page
All students registered in 2015 Summer Session courses as of May 6th have been given access to this page, created for both DAP and BCom students.. If you’ve subsequently registered, you can enrol yourself in the course through this link:Self-Enroll in Summer CPA Prep Series 2015 (password is cpaprep)Reminders, tips and instructions will be posted on this Connect page throughout the Summer.
- LinkedIn Group
This is a must for any student going through the CPA Fall Recruit. We will be using the LinkedIn Group as our primary means of communication for important details and updates as well as sharing helpful information along the way before the September 10 morning application deadline – that’s right – morning – 11:59 am this year! To join the LinkedIn group now, search for 2015 Sauder CPA Recruit on LinkedIn and click the “join” button. Please note that you will not be approved unless your profile clearly says you are a current Sauder student.