Significant Changes Are Taking Place in 2022 – Make sure YOU are ready!
For many years Public Practice Recruiting has had a structure that has been the foundation of campus recruiting periods for students in post-secondary degree and diploma programs throughout North America. Over the last few years this had changed significantly. With skill shortages on the rise, the human capital needs of firms rising and a pandemic complicating everything, it has made the process of attracting and securing the right talent much more challenging for these firms. Even the CPA associations across Canada have ramped up their recruiting activities to support this process over the past few years.
These realities have caused the firms to take a close look at their needs verses the process in place and have determined it is time to take more control of their hiring practices. No surprise really, as the rest of the labour market works this way for the very same reasons. With this new approaching rolling out in 2022, students will need to pay close attention to five major things:
- Get connected
Making sure you are connected to the DAP communication portals, DAP student Club, CPABC, Careers Online (COOL) and specific firm websites and their social media platforms will move you into an arena where the right information will be at your fingertips.
Utilizing LinkedIn as a platform to make professional connections and request information interviews (coffee chats) will help you further build your network with individuals and will help you learn what each firm is doing for their own recruiting activities this year. Follow companies and participate by commenting liking and sharing information.
A good number of students were connecting with firm staff in late 2021 to gain an advantage for Spring recruiting in 2022. In fact, many firms began rolling out events prior to the end of 2021 in hopes they could make solid connections with students to help them during 2022 recruiting. Events and activities should begin to pick up again soon. - Pay close attention
You may think this point is condescending but it is not. Many students have commented on how they have missed a campus activity, firm event or other recruiting opportunity because it was too late to join in once they heard about it or saw the posting. One of the most important things in being successful with landing work with public practice firms is participating in events when they arise. These often fill up quickly and if the opportunity is missed your ability to connect may be delayed. Make sure you are checking “daily” for recruiting activities, networking opportunities, events and information updates. Connecting early and often are two important successes with campus recruiting. - Be aware of the new CPABC Post Secondary Recruitment Guidelines 2022
These guidelines are known as the Public Practice Recruiting Framework. The information you will find here will help you have realistic expectations and better understand each stakeholders role in the recruiting process throughout the year.
Up until last year, there were four forms of recruiting for the firms. The first is the conferences/competitions component where firms create experiences for students where they can grow their skills while being watched by the careful eyes of recruiters and firm staff as they consider who might be potential hires from the participants. Secondly, there was Spring recruiting which was dovetailed with the Spring conferences where firms tried to secure hires for the following year’s January and September recruiting cohorts. Thirdly, there was Fall recruiting which existed before the previous two recruiting options and for years made up the main recruiting activities of many firms and were typically targeting September starts, again for the following calendar year. Fourthly, there was what was called “year round recruiting” where firms hired at will for current spending which depended on their need and capacity to hire, like any company would do.
Although, there may be some similarities with what happens this year…the framework as we know it has changed. With this, events, application openings, application dates, interviewing periods, offers, offer acceptance dates will now be more firm-specific than every before. And firms will be less likely to inform post-secondary institutions and the public what they are doing until the very latest moment. Each firm considers their internal recruiting needs, event planning, application postings, recruiting deadlines proprietary and there will be a lot of “wait and see” moments, especially this year.
Become acquainted with the CPABC Post Secondary Recruitment Guidelines 2022 now to give yourself the greatest advantage. - Prepare well
Learning as you go will always be part of the Public Practice Recruiting process. Especially when many of you are transitioning from school to business or from another undergrad into business. But, let me be overly clear and state, that you would do well to take full advantage of the resources at hand before you make a networking request, attend an online or in-person event, prepare and application, attend an interview or accept/decline an employment offer.
Whenever there is a workshop or event to help you understand recruiting, networking, application and interviewing, be sure to attend and invest in your future. Learn how and do it right the first time. Many students have participated in these after already gone through a recruiting period without success. Be sure to prepare first and give yourself the greatest advantage for success. Workshops will begin early 2022 and will be posted soon so you can register for them.
Don’t wait until you are near finishing your DAP courses before beginning your career journey. Take initiative as soon as you enter the program and get busy with career activities right away.
There are Career Toolkits available for your use and can prepare you well for every eventual requiring activity as well as prepare you for your future career transitions after you have launched your career post-DAP. - Get help
The past few years has shown a rise in self sufficient students when it comes to technology and online activities. Then as the pandemic collided with our workplaces, classrooms, recruiting activities and career progression people have become more reliant on their own efforts than ever before. As much as I applaud this increase of independence there has been a significant negative result to this change. People have reduced contact with others as a form of creating allies and accountability for the their career success. As a result, students have had significant blindspots in their approach to landing work. This has resulted in poor preparation, low quality networking, substandard applications and lacklustre interview performances.
You need help! And, not just by reading resources and independently pursuing work. A career consultant can make the difference between success and failure for many students. Reviewing what you have prepared after trying to apply the principles from the Career Toolkits with give your career coach the opportunity to see what your approach is and help validate it and/or strengthen it. Hearing your networking pitch and plan will allow your consultant to help you better understand how and when to engage and how to remain engaged. Role playing an interview with you will not only give you practice but will allow for feedback which can be a real difference maker.
There will be coaching opportunities beginning in January 2022 and will carry on throughout the year during busy recruiting periods and as the need arises. You can confirm your slot by registering through COOL with me, Russell Garrett, your DAP Career Consultant.
As well, if the scheduled career coaching options do not fit with your career needs, you can email me at and we can set up a random appointment.
This will be another year of change for recruiting and Public Practice Recruiting and it will be my pleasure riding this roller coaster along with you.
I wish you a very Happy New Year and career success as you navigate your way into the labour market.
Russell Garrett
Russell Garrett is the Owner of Protocol Business Solutions, a Certified Career Consultant and your DAP Career Coach. Russell will be delivering workshops for DAP students throughout 2022. For scheduled in-person coaching appointments with Russell, you will be notified of dates through the DAP Student Blog and by email. These in-person 30 minute appointments will be found in COOL where you can register for the time slot that suits you best. Simply search using “Garrett” to find open slots. Russell is also available to DAP students for random online coaching appointments set up through email requests. You can contact Russell at