Category Archives: Academic

Welcome to the Start of a New Term & Important Reminders

Welcome to all new and returning DAP students starting or continuing with your studies in the program this Summer Term 1!

Please note the following reminders as get ready to start the term:

We wish you the best of luck with your studies this term!

Updated Academic Concession Options for DAP Courses This Term

The past couple of weeks have been particularly demanding as we have transitioned to online learning and exams as part of the social and physical distancing measures designed to reduce the rate of the infection of the COVID-19 virus. Given these extraordinary measures there is need for more grading flexibility related to your courses. Consequently, we are permitting Credit/D/Fail and withdrawal (W) academic concession options for this term. Your instructor remains your best contact for concessions related to specific class activities and assignments prior to the final exam. However, for whole-course or final exam/project academic concessions, consult the revised information below and reach out as early as possible to discuss your options with our office:

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COVID-19 Update – Transitioning to Online Classes for the Remainder of Winter Term 2

Shortly following our last post on the COVID-19 situation and UBC’s response, the university announced that all classes would be moving online for the rest of Winter Term 2 starting Monday, March 16th. There have been no announcements made yet for changes to the Winter Term 2 final exam schedule (April 14th to 29th).

As mentioned in the earlier post, please continue to monitor the UBC website for UBC’s position and response to COVID-19 as any university-wide developments will be shared on this page and we’ll be sure to keep you apprised of any DAP-specific developments as they happen.

Planning for COVID-19 – Academic Continuity for This Term and the Summer Session

We understand that there have been growing concerns around the spread of COVID-19 and how this may affect your academic experience for the remainder of this term and into the Summer Session.  Please be assured that the health and wellness of our students, instructors, and staff are our highest priority while we closely monitor new developments and updates from UBC, the Office of the Provincial Medical Health Officer, the BC Centre for Disease Control and the Ministry of Health.  DAP is ready to transition the majority of our courses online at any time if and when needed.  We are also preparing contingency plans to move our Summer Session schedule online if there are any restrictions on holding classes on campus in Summer Term 1 and/or 2. 

In the meantime, please continue to monitor the UBC website for UBC’s position and response to COVID-19 as any university-wide developments will be shared on this page and we’ll be sure to keep you apprised of any DAP-specific developments as they happen.