Category Archives: Academic

2020 Summer Session Schedules Now Available and Tuition Update – Registration Opens on March 10th

The 2020 Summer Session (2019S) schedule for Term 1 and 2 is now available on the  myUBCDAP Schedules page.   Registration instructions have also been updated for the Summer Session. Registration for 2019S courses will open at 9:30 am on Tuesday, March 12th.

Please be advised that starting with the 2020 Summer Session courses,  tuition will be increased to $765 per course.

Important:  if you are planning to apply for a student loan, please ensure you review the  Registration Details for Student Loan Applicants section towards the end of the Course Registration page.

CPABC Bill Johnson DAP Student Achievement Award Now Valued at $2100 – Applications Due April 30th

As an update to last week’s post about the CPABC Bill Johnson DAP Student Achievement Award, we are pleased to advise that the award value has increased to $2100.

Applications are now being accepted for this year’s CPABC Bill Johnson DAP Student Achievement Award and are due April 30th, 2020.  Please see below and the Scholarships and Awards page on myUBCDAP for more information and application instructions.

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