Category Archives: Academic

CPA Finance Pre-Requisite Update – BUSI 370 Approved

As we’ve previously announced, our Finance curriculum will be redesigned, with BUSI 370 – Finance and BUSI 470 – Financial Management being merged into a single course, BUSI 370 starting this September 2018. 

We are pleased to advise that our re-designed BUSI 370 course has now been approved by CPA to meet their Finance pre-requisite on its own and the transfer guide for UBC DAP linked on CPA Professional Education Program – Transfer Credit Guide has been updated accordingly.

As we transition to our new Finance curriculum, BUSI 470 will be offered for a final time in Winter Term 1.  If you are planning to continue on to the CPA program and have completed BUSI 370 or have been granted an exemption from BUSI 370 as of the end of this Summer Term 2 (August 2018), but have not completed BUSI 470, it strongly recommended that you complete BUSI 470 this upcoming Winter Term 1.

CPA Economics Pre-requisite Update – BUSI 295 Approved

As we’ve announced earlier, we’re launching BUSI 295 – Managerial Economics, a new economics course which will cover topics in both microeconomics and macroeconomics starting this September 2018.

We are pleased to advise that this course has now been approved by CPA to meet their Economics pre-requisite and the transfer guide for UBC DAP linked on CPA Professional Education Program – Transfer Credit Guide has been updated accordingly.

BUSI 295 will be offered online, with supplementary optional review sessions, in both Winter Term 1 and 2. The Winter Term 1 section will be offered initially as a pilot with limited seats available, so if you are interested in taking this course in Winter Term 1, you are encouraged to register early.


Application Now Open for 2018W DAP Scholarships and Awards (Awards of $2300 & $1000 Available) – Apply by August 31st

We are now accepting applications for the following 2018 Winter Session scholarships:

  • 01500 BDO CANADA LLP Service Award
    A service award of $2300 has been endowed by BDO Canada LLP to recognize a student in the Diploma in Accounting Program (DAP). The award is made on the recommendation of the Sauder School of Business to a part-time or full-time student who is enrolled in the DAP Program and demonstrates high levels of community service and volunteerism within the university or community. Award candidates must also demonstrate high academic standing in the DAP Program.
  • 01661 Chartered Accountants Education Foundation Jim Miller D.A.P. Scholarship
    Two scholarships of $1000 each are offered to students enrolled in the Diploma in Accounting Program at the Sauder School of Business. They are awarded on the recommendation of the School to students with high academic standing and leadership ability who intend to become a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).

The application criteria and application instructions for both of these scholarships can be found on myUBCDAP under Scholarships & Awards .