Category Archives: Academic

2022 Summer Session Schedules Now Available – Registration Opens on March 16th (9:30 am PT)

The 2022 Summer Session (2022S) schedule for Term 1 and 2 is now available on the myUBCDAP Schedules page.   Registration instructions have also been updated for the Summer Session. Registration for 2022S courses will open at 9:30 am on Wednesday, March 16th.

Important:  if you are planning to apply for a student loan, please ensure you review Applied for a Canadian Government Student Loan and Require a Deferral of Tuition Fees? for additional instructions.

Winter Term 2 – Drop deadline extended to February 6th, 11:59 pm PT

The latest date to drop a course without a W standing has been extended to 11:59pm on February 6, 2022.  This deadline extension also applies to the deadline to drop a course to receive a full refund of tuition fees.

Course drops can be completed online through Manage My Registration on myUBCDAP.

Please note:

  • The deadline to add a new course or transfer into a new course on your schedule remains the same – Friday, January 21st
  • The deadline to to withdraw from a course with a W standing is from February 7th to March 4th, inclusive. Any withdrawals that occur during this time will not be eligible for any refund
  • Dropping courses may change your full-time status and/or impact things like awards, student loans, or study permits.