Category Archives: Careers

Reminder – Join Us for Workshop 3 in DAP Fall Career Planning Workshop Series (Online Presence & Personal Branding) – September 28th, 5 pm

As a reminder, the third workshop in DAP’s Fall Career Planning Workshop Series (Online Presence & Personal Branding) will be held on Monday, September 28th, 5 pm.

Much like technology over the last 25 years, social media continues its steep trend of merging with business. Your personal branding in-person, online and on your written documents can truly impact people looking for new hires. Making the efforts to increase your brand’s impact as a consistent expression of self-marketing and good communication to employers, human resources representatives and decision makers will take your job search to another level. Prepare introductions, increase your visual impact and improve your social media presence and activity, including improving your LinkedIn profile.

Registration for this workshop and the entire series is now open on COOL

Reminder – Join Us for Workshop 2 in DAP Fall Career Planning Workshop Series (Networking – Creating, Building & Maintaining Relationships) – September 21st, 5 pm

As a reminder, the second workshop in DAP’s Fall Career Planning Workshop Series (Networking – Creating, Building & Maintaining Relationships) will be held on Monday, September 21st, 5 pm.

Networking and making meaningful contacts in the realm of business, with companies and Public Practice Firms are key to becoming known in a sea of candidates and increase your chances of landing employment. Identify ways to engage individuals to learn about your targeted industry, create relationships and secure employment. See how you can increase your success when you meet new network contacts, campus recruiting reps, managers and staff during campus events, office hours, info sessions, company events and proactive efforts.

Registration for this workshop and the entire series is now open on COOL

Reminder – Register Now for DAP’s Fall Career Planning Workshop Series Starting on September 14th

As a reminder, DAP’s Fall Career Planning Workshop Series is starting next week on Monday, September 14th, 5 pm, with the first workshop: Career Research and Your Action Plan.

Understanding your strengths, values and motivators is a great foundation to begin your career planning and to identify your next career goal. Then discover the best ways to pursue that goal through research, information and self-evaluation which will lead you to motivation, decision and action! If your plan is not in place, you feel stuck, or if you need to define your goal and plans better.

This workshop will get give you the tools and process to get you there.

Registration for this workshop and the entire series is now open on COOL

Virtual Reality Interviewing

Virtually everything has changed in the Covid-19 era.

Working remotely, connecting with clients through video conferencing, networking through virtual coffee chats and now video interviewing – who would have thought! Everything has gone virtual. What used to be common has now become out of reach and what was unusual has now become our virtual reality. Have you adjusted yet? Are you resisting change? Are you willing to climb a new learning curve, show your resilience and become competent in this new reality? Here are some ways you can prepare to interview successfully in our current climate of social distancing.

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