As human beings, we are usually very good at identifying what we do not want, what we are lacking, and what we do not have when beginning a job search. It is like identifying how big the river is that we must cross to obtain our career success! To some it even seems impassable. Continue reading
Category Archives: CPA Fall Recruit 2015
#CPAFallRecruit2015 UBC DAP Alumni Night – August 4th (registration opens July 21st)
The DAP Student Club will be holding their annual UBC DAP Alumni NIght on Tuesday, August 4th, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Please see below and the UBC DAP Alumni NIght post on their website for more information about this event and instructions on how to register.
#CPAFallRecruit2015 PwC Tax CPA Coffee Chat – July 23rd
To receive first-hand information about PwC’s Tax CPA Program, PwC invites you to attend a group coffee chat at our Vancouver office, from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm, on Thursday, July 23rd. For more information about this event and instructions on how to register, please see the PwC Tax CPA Coffee Chat post on the DAP Student Club website.
#CPAFallRecruit2015 Additional Manning Elliott Office Hours Added on July 29th and August 7th
Manning Elliott will be holding additional office hours on July 29th and August 7th, and the DAP Summer Firm Office Hour schedule (2015 DAP Summer Firm Office Hour Schedule (updated July 10) has been updated to include these additional appointments. Registration for these appointments are now open on COOL.