Category Archives: CPA Fall Recruit 2017

DAP Student Club Event – Mid-Size Speed Networking – June 14th, 5:30 pm

The DAP Student Club would like to invite you to its Mid-Size Speed Networking! Got a burning question you’re dying to ask? Or maybe you’re just interested in meeting representatives from a variety of international, national and mid-sized CPA firms. This event is a great opportunity for you to mingle with many professionals working for midsize accounting firms in Vancouver.

Please see the Mid-Size Speed Networking post on the DAP Student Club’s website for more information about this event, as well as the link to register.

Registration is now open!

Important – Changes to CPA Recruit This Year (Additional Details)

In follow-up to our earlier post about the changes to CPA Recruit this year, we’d like to share with you some additional information on what these changes mean.

For many years, all the firms participating in the formal CPA Recruit had a coordinated calendar of application, interview and offer dates that was released through CPABC along with a Code of Conduct that all firms and schools followed.  This year, CPABC will not be releasing a calendar or Code of Conduct; however, they have released a CPABC Post-secondary Recruitment Framework.  While firms still plan to do most of their recruiting in late summer and early fall, some firms are conducting an additional early round of recruiting in June such as PwC and BDO (postings are now up on COOL).

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PwC Skills Development & Networking Session: Resumes and Interviews – May 30th, 2017, 5:30 pm

PwC will be holding a Skills Development & Networking Session on May 30th, 5:30 pm. This interactive session will help you put your best foot forward and provide an inside look at what we look for in a resume and an interview. It’ll help ensure you get noticed and leave a lasting impression. Following the skill development session, we’ll move into a relaxed networking opportunity with our Partners and staff. You’ll be able to gain further insight into PwC, our people and our culture. Continue reading