Category Archives: CPA Fall Recruit 2017

Upcoming Deloitte Events – Casino Night and Day at Deloitte

Deloitte will be hosting two large CPA recruitment events coming up in the next couple of months!  The first event is their annual Casino Night and the second is their Day at Deloitte event which is ongoing throughout the summer. Please continue reading below for more information on both of these great networking opportunities.

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Manning Elliott Office Hours Added

Office hours with Manning Elliott on June 5th and July 4th have been added to the spring/summer firm office hours schedule.  Registration for appointments with Manning Elliott are now available on COOL.

Please be reminded that the following registration policies and procedures for firm office hours are still in effect: Continue reading

Important – Changes to CPA Fall Recruit This Year

CPABC has posted important information on changes to the fall recruit process this year. If you are planning to apply for positions through CPA Recruit, please make sure to review the Update to CPA Fall Recruit section of the Post-Secondary Students page on their website.

As outlined, firms may choose to recruit for articling positions at any time, so please make sure to check COOL regularly for new job postings and make sure to pay close attention to the closing dates.