Online event | PGWP workshop for international students – Monday, November 21st, 11 am PT

UBC International Student Advising will be hosting a DAP-exclusive virtual PGWP workshop via Zoom on Monday, November 21st, 11 am PT.

This session will highlight the benefits of the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) as you consider your options to further your studies, work in Canada or apply for permanent residence. You will learn about timelines to apply for the PGWP, eligibility requirements, how to prepare your application, work eligibility, and what you need to know if you have family members in Canada too. The information provided will take the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic into consideration.

Registration is now open on COOL (look under workshops).

Upcoming opportunities to connect with CPABC in November

November 212:00pm – 1:00pmPost-Secondary CPABC Information SessionOnlineAre you interested in becoming a CPA after you graduate? This session will cover the CPA program in detail and include an open Q&A with CPABC’s Senior Student Recruitment Officer. This session will be tailored to post-secondary students interested in becoming a CPA, and is open to students from any university or college program.
November 1012:00pm – 12:30pmPractical Experience Requirements (PER) Q & A SessionOnlineNEW FORMAT! This will be a short 30-minute session with CPABC staff answering rapid-fire pre-submitted and live questions about the Practical Experience Requirements (PER).   No formal overview of the CPA program will be given during the session. Registrants are asked to watch a pre-recorded overview of the CPA program before attending the session. Click here for more information.
November 2212:00pm – 1:00pmCPABC Network Series ‘Reimagine your goals’OnlineThis webinar will show participants how to reassess what you really want, and how to move forward towards your reimagined goals in a purposeful way. Whether it is education, work, finances, personal, or the CPA program, these are all life goals. This webinar will teach us in a tangible way how to pause, reflect and determine for ourselves if the goals we had two years ago, are still the goals we want for ourselves today and moving forward. This event includes open questions and answers from audience, and all audience members will be provided take-away resources to assist with their journey towards their own reimagined goals.
November 2412:00pm – 1:00pmCPA’s Journey – Experience Verification Route (EVR)OnlineCPA’s Journey features real-life CPAs and CPA Candidates working in various sectors. Speakers will talk about their CPA journey and how they achieved a work-life balance while in the CPA Professional Education Program (PEP).   In this webinar, hear from our panelists on why they chose the Experience Verification Route (EVR), what influenced their decision, and what doors this pathway opened for them.
November 3012:00pm – 12:45pmConversation with a CPAOnlineAre you curious about what CPAs actually do? Join the conversation with Vishal Hiralal, CPA, CA, owner of Cinephile Accounting.   Vishal has been working in the Film & Entertainment Industry since 2014 helping cast and crew members with their accounting and taxation needs and building their competency in financial literacy.

Enrol in CLC: Online for information on upcoming events and services

CLC: Online is a Canvas course with information on events and services offered by the Canaccord Learning Commons (CLC), including:

  • Writing Coaching appointments
  • Professional Communication Skills Certificate workshops
  • English Conversation Circles
  • Speaking on the Spot! workshops
  • Digital Media Lab workshops
  • Finance Lab workshops

Self-enrol on Canvas here:

DAP Student Club event | Ask the Experts! – National 7 Firm Panel Session – November 8th, 4 pm

Join the UBC DAP Student Club for their upcoming panel event “Ask the Experts! – National 7 Firm Panel Session” on November 8th, 4-6 pm.

The club will be hosting firm reps from National 7 and CPABC for a Panel Interview to share their insights about their experience, career progression and culture of the company. 

There will be an opportunity to ask your questions to the top in the industry followed by an open networking with free refreshments and a chance to win up to $100 worth of Gift cards.

Agenda for the Event:

  • Welcome message
  • Panel Q&A 
  • Open Networking

Register by Scanning the QR Code or Visiting: 

*Limited Capacity”