Learn more about campus hiring for CPA Pre-Approved Program Route (PPR) Positions – Upcoming workshops for fall recruitment (2023 start dates) on July 5th and 11th

DAP career coach, Russell Garrett, will be holding two workshops on the upcoming fall recruitment cycle for pre-approved program route (PPR) positions. The majority of public practice accounting firms will be hiring through this cycle, so if you are interested in working in public practice and will be ready to start a full-time role in 2023, attend these upcoming sessions to learn more and build your foundation for a successful recruitment experience!

  • Tuesday, July 5th, 4:45 pm to 6:15 pm PT – Introduction to Fall Recruit (in-person and virtual)
    Public Practice Recruiting (PPR) is a significant period for the Big 4, national and mid-sized firms to network with, interview and hire students from many Post-Secondary Institutions (PSIs) for positions beginning the following year.

    Learn how PPR works and how to begin preparing now to give yourself the greatest advantage over other PSIs to make connections, land work with a CPA Pre-Approved Training Office and achieve your CPA aspirations. Learn from a guest panel of successful students that recently landed positions with the firms during these challenging times. Then, participate in a break out session where you can ask questions to the panel member in your group and prepare for your PPR experience this Fall.
  • Monday, July 11th, 4:45 pm to 6:15 pm PT – Networking (in-person and virtual)
    Gaining information and building relationships are two key components to succeeding during PPR and pave the way for a successful career. Networking is a learned skill that anyone can develop. Making meaningful connections can happen through both organized and proactive opportunities. These contacts can result in information interviews/coffee chats that can provide critical information to target firms, prepare specific applications, prepare for interview success and make your follow up stand out. When firms make decisions about who to interview or hire, the people they already know have a distinct advantage. Come learn the strategies of networking and connect with our panel of Sauder students that recently networked their way to success.

Registration for both of these workshops is now open on COOL – you’ll have the option to select either in-person or virtual attendance for both dates.

2022 Winter Session Schedules Now Available and Tuition Update – Registration Opens on July 13th, 9:30 am PT

The 2022 Winter Session (2021W) schedule for Term 1 and 2 is now available on the  myUBCDAP Schedules page.   Registration instructions have also been updated for the Winter Session. Registration for 2022W courses will open at 9:30 am PT on Wednesday, July 13th.

Please be advised that starting with the 2022 Winter Session courses,  tuition will be increased to $795 per 3-credit course.

Important:  if you are planning to apply for a Canadian student loan, please ensure you review the Registration Details for Student Loan Applicants section towards the end of the Course Registration page for additional instructions.

Upcoming opportunities to connect with CPABC in June

Check out these upcoming opportunities to connect with CPABC in June!

June 165:30pm – 6:30pmCPABC Q&A WebinarJoin us to ask questions about the admission requirements of the CPA program, how to apply, and any additional questions you may have about the program.
June 2112:00pm – 1:00pmHow to Find a CPA MentorLooking for a CPA mentor? Get guidance on who can be a mentor, where you can look for one, how to initiate first contact, and other resources.
June 225:30pm – 7:00pmMentor & Mentee Virtual Networking EventThe search for a mentor can be challenging, especially during these times of social distancing. For any students or candidates who are looking for a mentor, attend this event to meet potential mentors! We encourage candidates to network outside their current industry to maximize their opportunities for career development.
June 2412:00pm – 1:00pmCPABC Network Series ‘Why I chose CPA for my accounting career’There are so many academic and career programs to choose from, so how do you decide which is the right one for you? For a career in business/accounting, why do some choose the CPA program rather than a different certification or credential? Let’s hear from our CPA/Candidate Panelists and learn about their decision making process, the factors to consider when deciding, and why they ultimately chose CPA for their own career in business/accounting.

This event includes a moderated panel discussion followed by breakout rooms for audience to network with Panelists.
June 295:00pm – 5:45pmConversation with a CPAAre you curious about what CPAs actually do? Join the conversation with George Fisher, MBA, CPA, CGA, Instructor at Douglas College and President of GFF Educational Services Inc. You will have an opportunity to ask your own questions about a career in accounting.