With Public Practice Firm (PPF) information sessions and events, student club activities, BCCPA events, underway and the “thud” of 2023 job postings dropping left and right, the timing is perfect to get your Spring Public Practice Recruiting (PPR) Job Search in gear! I know, I know, you have mid-terms and soon finals. But don’t use those things as excuses for letting your job search lay idle. It’s time to get busy!
PPFs are really raising the engagement level with students this Spring and more firms are participating in campus recruiting activities than ever before. They have missed connecting with the student body face to face over the past couple of years, and their hiring numbers have slipped as as result. During this same time, business has grown and their needs are greater. So, the competition for the best students are ramping up.
While networking continues, it is important that you are already compiling information and research from these connections to give you a valuable resources for your applications which will be due before you know it.
SOON int will be the time to act and get your applications ready and to have them reviewed by someone than can evaluate your approach, content and presentation. Getting your PPR Application reviewed is CRITICAL to making sure your application is ready for submission. I get it that you are a capable adult learner and can take control of your own career, but my experience is, as capable as you may be, you still could use some help! And, I’m here for you 🙂
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